Welcome to the Treeherd's blog about Bonsai, art and culture

I intend to present a different slant on aspects of bonsai and allied subjects. The sort of stuff that you might not get elsewhere, including unusual trees, problems that most bonsaists need to confront, experiments, and some disasters, that might turn into learning experiences. No pontifications here. No gloating, some myth busting. And, no lying or tall tales

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"I don't design bonsai, I design trees." - Walter Pall

Just a quick note: I love Walter Pall's comment (actually, I think it is his sig):

"I don't design bonsai, I design trees."
              - Walter Pall

That's pretty much what I try to do. However, in a French forum, he wrote: "It is a general misconception to think that all i (sic) do is 'naturalistic'. in fact probably more then two thirds or more of my work is not naturalistic at all. It depends on when I started the tree, whether I got it already started in another style and then whether the material that I work with has talent for a certain style. It is not a good idea to only follow one single style in my opinion."

It is pretty clear that with his experience and talent he can do any damned thing he cares to and it will still come out interesting. Especially since he has 1000+ trees (by his own approximate count) at any one time. With 1000 plants to work with, you get 1000 or more possibilities. 

BTW, that French forum was arguing about such deep design issues and tricky fertilizing processes, that it sounded very much like a discussion of how many angels could fit on the end of an apical twig.


  1. Very nice Reid, I don't know anything about 'blogging', but this whole set up looks quite professional and informative. Someday I might find some time to consider trying this.

    Kathi M.

  2. Kathi, when you snowbirds get back, I'll sit down with you and get you up and running in 15 minutes. The important part is just telling people in a clear way what you know about bonsai that could help them. And you know a lot and you are a teacher and an artist... so you got it knocked.
